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Wildlife Survey

Whether you need a baseline survey ahead of a project, species-specific surveys, or surveys during and after construction, I can provide the work on the ground, obtain permits, coordinate with the agencies, and help keep you aware of all legal requirements. Below are some species we have years of professional experience with. If something isn't listed, don't hesitate to get in touch, we have someone experienced with it. If you're unsure if your project is in suitable habitat of a protected species, just ask and we'll let you know.

Burrowing owl

Burrowing owls occur in flat, scrubby, and generally open habitats throughout the Southwest; the desert, agricultural lands, and urban areas alike. Often development projects occur in burrowing owl habitat and legislation is in place that requires due diligence.


We can perform protocol surveys across the Southwest for burrowing owls. We'll assist with conservation measures when required, coordinate all interested parties, and provide a biological report. Early coordination is advised in the event a burrowing owl lives in your project area. If relocation is required we have partners with aviaries, relocating hundreds of owls.


Migratory birds and their nests exist in all habitats throughout the Southwest. If you are planning a development project there is a strong chance a migratory bird nest search, depending on the season, will be required prior to ground breaking activities or vegetation removal.


We've conducted hundreds of miles of nest surveys in Arizona and the Southwest, as well as avian point-counts to establish baseline data. We can perform your surveys, assist you in coordination with interested parties, and help develop conservation measures to ensure your project goes forward legally and with environmental stewardship. If you are not sure if your project requires a migratory bird nest survey, don't hesitate to get in touch.

Desert tortoise
Lake Pleasant tortoise (16).JPG

Both the Mojave (threatened) and Sonoran desert tortoises are generally found in basins and bajadas of desertscrub communities. Many land-clearing projects in Arizona and the Southwest cross these areas and pose a threat to tortoises.
Our years of tortoise work could assist you in determining your project needs. Whether you need a baseline survey, surveys as a result of previous mitigation requirements, or development of avoidance measures; we can help you get it all done efficiently. We'll conduct surveys, handle coordination, provide all necessary reports, and conduct awareness trainings for your workers.


Bats roost all over the Southwest; in caves, mine shafts, bridges, culverts, buildings, trees, and more. We performed presence/absence surveys on transportation structures (including inside the London Bridge) in habitats all across Arizona and assisted the AGFD in a county-wide survey of Maricopa County, AZ. Such surveys can provide you with the information you need to avoid bats or enact conservation measures to minimize your impact.

Southwestern willow flycatcher

The endangered southwestern willow flycatcher breeds in riparian habitats across Arizona and the Southwest. Additionally, several of these areas are designated critical habitat. Projects that cross designated critical habitat, suitable habitat, or occupied habitat, will likely be subject to Section 7 and require surveys.


We managed many such projects and can assess yours to provide you with guidance. We're permitted by the USFWS to perform protocol surveys and nest monitoring for the southwestern willow flycatcher. We can provide these surveys to your ongoing Section 7 Consultation, or conduct the Section 7 Consultation on your behalf.


The threatened yellow-billed cuckoo may be found in riparian woodlands, mesquite bosques, and pine/oak woodlands in Arizona and the Southwest. If your project is within or adjacent to habitat, surveys may be required.


We are permitted by the USFWS to perform protocol surveys for the yellow-billed cuckoo across the Southwest. We can provide these surveys to your ongoing Section 7 Consultation, or conduct the Section 7 Consultation on your behalf.


Feel free to contact me with wildlife survey needs not listed; large or small, a raptor search or assessing a wildlife corridor. If we cannot perform it, we'll point you in the right direction. Numerous county, state, and federal laws protect wildlife, if you're ever unsure of your project requirements contact me and I'll be happy to give you the knowledge you need.


Survey Permits
  • United States Fish and Wildlife Service

  • Arizona Game and Fish Department

  • Navajo Nation

  • others obtained on as needed basis

  • burrowing owl

  • southwestern willow flycatcher

  • desert tortoise

  • yellow-billed cuckoo

  • Mexican spotted owl

  • Chiricahua leopard frog

  • flat-tailed horned lizard

  • wildlife tracking workshop

  • Biological Assessment

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