Please contact me if you require any of the services below, or if you just have a question on your project requirements. If you need any wildlife work or have environmental permitting needs not specifically described, do not hesitate to inquire. I have worked across the entire environmental consulting spectrum. If it is something I cannot perform, I can put you in touch with someone who can.
Wildlife Survey
Whether you need a baseline survey ahead of a project, species-specific surveys, or surveys during and after construction, I can provide the work on the ground, obtain permits, coordinate with the agencies, and help keep you aware of all legal requirements. Surveys include Migratory Bird Treaty Act nest searches, burrowing owl, southwestern willow flycatcher, yellow-billed cuckoo, desert tortoise, and more.
Botanical Survey
​Will you be removing or destroying native plants in the State of Arizona? I can provide you a native plant survey and take care of the permitting process for you. If you're working on State Lands and need a Stumpage Assessment, I can put that together too. Is there a concern you may have an endangered or threatened plant species in your project area? I'll get in the field and find out.
Biological Monitoring
Small one day projects or long-term projects, I can help you out; long distance linear projects and spot improvements alike. I can develop and perform environmental awareness training for your workers to industry standards. I'll analyze conservation measures previously developed and work with you to ensure they are met; species-specific or general environmental stewardship.
NEPA Management
​Short on time, resources, or knowledge on managing a NEPA project? My years of experience balancing multiple projects simultaneously can aide you. I can manage your project, and/or your consultant writing the document, to ensure an accurate and legally defensible project completed in a timely manner on budget.
Section 7 Consultation
Does your project jeopardize the continued existence of an endangered or threatened species or designated or proposed critical habitat? Does it have a federal nexus? If so, I can guide you through Section 7 Consultation with the USFWS and ensure your project adheres to the Endangered Species Act. If you're unsure, contact me and we can discuss your project.
NEPA Documents
​The ol' typing hands are still deft. I can author biological documents in support of your EIS, EA, or CE. I can also author the CE itself or any addendums and letter reports. If you need help with other sections of an EIS or EA, inquire as I've worked on a variety of sections. If you're in need of someone to review your NEPA documents, I can assist with that as well.