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Hello, I'm Eric, owner and wildlife biologist at AtoZec. I've worked in environmental consulting as a Biologist and Environmental Planner for 15 years. I started out as an intern at the Maricopa County Flood Control District while studying for a Master's degree. From there I spent seven years at HDR Engineering learning the ins and outs of managing projects and variety of industries we interact with. In 2014 passion wildlife helped push me to starting a small business, AtoZec. In this capacity I can always assure projects are completed correctly with an easy blend of environmental stewardship and industry. I firmly believe this cooperation will lead to better environs for flora, fauna, and humans.
My project experience has spanned a variety of habitats west of the Mississippi; the deserts of the Southwest being my primary sandbox. As a Biologist I performed wildlife and plant surveys at all stages of construction; baseline studies in the design phase, preconstruction surveys, biological monitoring during projects, and post construction surveys to monitor for impacts. Section 7 Consultations and biological assessments kept the typing hands and analytical mind busy in the office.
Environmental Planner duties were a strong focus in my past experience at HDR. They saw me managing and balancing numerous projects simultaneously and guiding clients through the NEPA process; from the cost estimate to the final authorizing signature on the clearance. Clean and open communication with both clients and coworkers became the single greatest asset to successful projects.
I worked with numerous clients, both public and private, over the years in a variety of industries...transportation, military, renewable energy, oil, mining, telecom, and more. The great variety brought me keen insight to the permitting process and how to best compliment each industry. With a little discussion industry can easily make environmental stewardship a part of the project.
The links below expand slightly on the elements, that when combined after many years, got AtoZec running. Explore around; if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me. Again, thanks for stopping by.


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